Donate Financially
As we celebrate our 65th year, we have only been able to keep putting on shows because of people like you who have donated financially to the theatre. You can sign up for an easy one-time, monthly, quarterly, or yearly tax-deductible donation. Every dollar you donate to AMT goes directly into the theatre to things like show rights, audio and lighting upgrades, building maintenance and upgrades, set construction, and the growth for programs such as a youth program.
Donate Physical Items
Want to see your donation put to work? You also have the option to donate physical items! Check out our Amazon Wishlist which has items continually added from our AMT committees. We will also be adding additional wishlists as well, so be on the lookout!
Have something you’d like to donate that isn’t on the wishlist? Please reach out to us at info@mainstagetheatre.org.
Donate Your Time
It takes a village to run a non-profit community theatre, and each villager has their own gifts and talents they can contribute to keep the village growing! From box office, to concession stand, usher to light and sound technician, there’s something for everyone! Find out the different ways you can get plugged in at AMT by filling out our volunteer interest form.
Click below for more info!